Friday, April 30, 2010

§ self prepare lunch §

In my dictionary, cooking is sort of horrible process….especially Chinese cuisine….In Chinese culture, the main element of cooking is the heat of the stove…the more hot it be, the tastier the meal would be….But it also cant left out chef skills and experiences…

For me, what really mind the exposure of the boiling oil…


definitely is  hot terrible if your skin get in touch with the oil….

<can’t image…ouch!!>

Since now i get so bored with college food, i decided to get home cook a super simple meal that does not require any oil in my process for myself…

(can be more healthier and save some money =p)

take a look and see…..



Apple – peel and slice

Eggs – boiled and slice and put it in the bun

tea – pour hot water in it

potato – boil and mashed

Walla!!!…simple meal…have most of the nutrient that need for a meal….but i missed out vegetables…opps….cause of my mom didn't go market today so i can add it in…

Isn't that hard right?…simple and easy…

did not get in touch of any horrible, terrible boiling oil..

try it at home when you really feel bored with outside foods….

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